Though one may be overpowered,
two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken -Ecclesiastes 4:12

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Jeff Markin: Back from the Dead, Reborn Into the Light

An Amazing Story...check it out:)

Jeff Markin: Back from the Dead, Reborn Into the Light

My First Blog

I am very excited about starting a new blog. I keep going back and forth trying to decide if I should or not. I guess I've never felt like others would want to read what I have to say. However, I had been so touched by other's pages I've read. So my goal is to touch someone's life in some way. You might ask what the title of the blog is all about. I chose this with scripture in mind. Ecclesiastes 4:12 says, "Though one may be overpowered, two can defend themselves. A cord of three strands is not quickly broken". This scripture has special meaning not only because it comes from the Father, but because it's what my husband and I live by. We know the foundation of our marriage is Jesus. We can't and our marriage will not make it without Him. He is our rock, our provider, our redeemer, our comforter, our salvation, our God! What a wonderful feeling knowing all of this. In this blog, I will mostly discuss the most important things in life: God, family, friends, work (or my 60 children, as I like to say).

So without further ado, here we go...

I just celebrated my 27th birthday last Friday, the 18th of February. Words can't describe how wonderful that day was. I don't think I have ever felt so loved on my birthday as I did this year. Wherever I went throughout the day, there seemed to be a surprise. The 5:45am spin class I attend celebrated with me. My hubby took me to breakfast where I canceled out all of those caloriers I had just burned. My precious students were so sweet. I even received a dozen roses from one of them. My two sweet friends Mallory and Joanna and their children surprised me at school for a visit. My colleagues had a lunch for me. We ended the day with a great dinner at Kobe with family to celebrate all the family's February birthdays. 

The day felt like a new beginning for me. The past year has been marked with blessings, no doubt. But my family and I have also dealt with great loss this year. My daddy, or Ed, as some knew him, passed away March 29, 2010.  

This loss was truly difficult for all of us, as you can imagine. The assurance that he's with Jesus is enough to give me peace and also added excitement to get there one day. We haven't told many people this, but my husband and I have also lost two pregnancies in the last seven months. The burden of my heart is great, while my desire to be a mommy is great as well. Brent and I have realized that we have to trust God's perfect timing and His plan for us. This experience gives new meaning to "having faith". These trials I've had aren't uncommon. I know everyone deals with sadness and loss. But, I do have a new perspective when praying for the people who don't know Jesus, as all of us are called to do. I realize that getting through a difficult season in life is impossible without Him. 

Something inside my soul felt different on Friday. It was like I could see a light at the end of the tunnel. Even if a baby isn't in our near future, I know God had great things in store for us this year!